About DOGS Unlimited

We represent some of the top brand-name manufacturers from the United States and the world. But we don’t stop there. We’ve also scoured our resources for small manufacturing businesses and mom-and-pop shops, looking for the best (and hard to find) gear that serves a real purpose.
Dogs Unlimited has also created its own brands of quality-built and innovative tools to help you get the most out of your good dog, such as FieldKing, Dura-Lon, and Dura-Flex.
It’s one of Dogs Unlimited’s most interesting qualities even today, that we bring to market useful items that are ignored by major chain stores.
As you can imagine,
in 1971 there weren’t many dog supply companies focusing on hunting dogs; and the few that come to mind have long since closed their doors. With his ingenuity, innovation, and creativity, our founder, John Ingram, was a pioneer at developing and bringing to market gear that we all still use today.
- He introduced the Original Game Stewards Bird Bag to the bird dog training community. This is the ubiquitous bird bag you see everywhere today.
- The solid core check cord used in our FieldKing Almost Famous Check Cords was John’s original idea. No training kit is complete without one.
- John helped develop, and brought to market, the 2” wide reflective collar used extensively in field trials and hunt tests today.
- John was also among the first to use the “new” BioThane coated webbing material in the late 1970's, for the manufacturing of our Dura-Lon and Dura-Flex dog collars, leashes, check cords, and other fine products. And while many attempts were made to knock-off our brand, DOGS Unlimited remains one of the few companies to use this superior material for our collars and leads.
In the summer of 2005
John decided to pass the mantle along to someone who would carry it for decades to come. That’s where we come in. Part of that transition was a move to Colorado, where DOGS Unlimited now makes its home and maintains the driving purpose of continuing—and expanding—John’s legacy.
From the 16 page catalog of John’s last production, we have ramped it up to over 100 pages filled with new dog training gear and expanding into other areas of interest to dog owners. Our Dogs Unlimited catalog has been honored by the catalog industry’s top trade publication as a finalist in their catalog awards. And as the internet has matured we have done so as well, changing our format to fit the times; we are mobile ready but also bring a compelling new view to those who view our website on their desktop.
Our engagement within the dog community has never wavered. While our own passions are horseback field trialing and upland bird hunting, we absolutely respect all aspects of the sporting dog community. We donate thousands of dollars a year to clubs, organizations, and events that we think share our core values. We believe that contributing to these organizations as best we can is our responsibility given that they strive to do what is right within their community, just like we do. We believe that if we can all contribute to one common goal, then we are all stronger for it.
Going forward
our goals will always be the same: to bring great products to the community that has been a part of the success of Dogs Unlimited since 1971, to search out new products that can make you and your dog’s lives better and more rewarding, to keep and attract the people who will keep alive the sporting dog lifestyle we love and, finally, to help where we can to Make Your Good Dog Better.