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Bird Launchers and Releasers

Releasing training birds during hunting dog training sessions is the most important aspect of training a bird dog. How you release them is up to you and Dogs Unlimited has a large variety of bird launchers and releasers. Depending on your dog training scenario you may find a remote release system is desired or perhaps a foot releaser will simulate a hunting situation best. Whatever works is the mantra here. Or, if you're training to have the most finished bird dog in your upland hunting group or because your dog needs to be absolutely broke to wing, shot and fall to win the next field trial or hunt test you may find a combination of both styles works best.
23 items found
Cody Hunt Gear, 3D Upland Bird Releaser
ITEM: 1362200-14500
Cody Hunt Gear, Upland Bird Releaser
ITEM: 1362200-42001
Original Tip-Up Bird Releaser
ITEM: 1104300-00225
Dogtra, Remote Release Deluxe System
ITEM: 1113440-48001
Dogtra, QL2 Launcher, Quail/Pigeon
ITEM: 1113450-07009
Dogtra, PL Launcher, Pheasant
ITEM: 1113450-41001
Zinger, Hunt Tester G5, Black
ITEM: 1139402-21020
Zinger, Zinger Winger II G4, Silver
ITEM: 1139404-41010
Zinger, Zinger Winger II G4, Black
ITEM: 1139404-41020
Zinger, Mini Zinger G4, Silver
ITEM: 1139403-31010
Zinger, Mini Zinger G4, Black
ITEM: 1139403-32010
Zinger, Hunt Tester G5, Silver
ITEM: 1139402-21010
Zinger, Field Trialer G4, Silver
ITEM: 1139401-11010
Zinger, Field Trialer G4, Black
ITEM: 1139401-11020
Zinger, Leg Extensions
ITEM: 1139410-10000

Best Bird Launchers and Releasers for Hunting Dog Training

Releasing training birds during hunting dog training sessions is the most important aspect of training a bird dog. It's crucial to simulate a hunting situation for your dog to prepare them for real-world hunting scenarios. Dogs Unlimited offers a wide variety of bird launchers and releasers to fit every dog training scenario.

If you're training for a finished bird dog, or practicing for a hunt test, you may find that a combination of both remote release systems and foot releasers work best. But whatever your preference, Dogs Unlimited has you covered. Choose from our selection of bird launchers and releasers from top brands like Zinger and Dogtra, and Cody Hunt Gear.

The Zinger Uplander G4 and Winger II G4 are both popular bird launchers that come in silver or black. The Hunt Tester G5 is another great option from Zinger that comes in silver or black. Dogtra also has a variety of options, including the QL2 Launcher for quail and pigeon, and the PL Launcher for pheasants.

Looking for a remote release system? DT Systems has you covered with their Natural Flush Remote Bird Launcher, available with or without a transmitter for quail, pigeon, pheasant, or duck. They also offer the Natural Flush Bird Launcher with just an electronic releaser.

Garmin's Pro Control 2 Remote Launch System is another great option for those looking to train their dog remotely. With the handheld only option, the receiver only option, and the full remote launch system, you'll be able to find the perfect setup for your dog training needs.

Bird Launchers and Releasers Q & A

What is the most important aspect of training a bird dog?
Releasing training birds during hunting dog training sessions is the most important aspect of training a bird dog.
What types of bird launchers and releasers does Dogs Unlimited offer?
Dogs Unlimited offers a wide variety of bird launchers and releasers, including remote release systems, foot releasers, and more.
What are some popular bird launcher brands?
Some popular bird launcher brands include Zinger, Dogtra, and Cody Hunt Gear.
Does Dogs Unlimited offer remote release systems?
Yes, Dogs Unlimited offers remote release systems from brands like DT Systems and Garmin.
What is the Garmin Pro Control 2 Remote Launch System?
The Garmin Pro Control 2 Remote Launch System is a remote release system that allows you to train your dog remotely. It comes in handheld only, receiver only, and full remote launch system options.
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