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  • VDD-GNA, JGHV VJP, HZP and VGP Test Videos, DVDs

VDD-GNA, JGHV VJP, HZP and VGP Test Videos, DVDs

by Dogs Unlimited LLC Item #: 001VDD-VJHZVG
1 customer review
Master the VDD-GNA, JGHV VJP, HZP, and VGP Tests with Videos and DVDs
In stock
The VDD-GNA, JGHV VJP, HZP and VGP Test Videos and DVDs by Dogs Unlimited LLC are your ultimate guide to mastering these challenging tests. These comprehensive visual resources provide an in-depth understanding of what it takes to pass these exams.

Start your journey with the VDD-GNA JGHV VJP and HZP combination DVD. This unique learning tool not only offers a step-by-step guide to understanding the test structure but also provides real-life examples and experiences from those who have successfully passed these tests.

When you're ready to level up, the VDD-GNA JGHV VGP DVD awaits. This advanced-level DVD delves into the nuances and complexities of the VGP test, offering valuable insights that can help ensure your success.

What sets these DVDs apart is the fact they are created by Dogs Unlimited LLC, a company known for its dedication to providing top-tier training resources. Their expertise and commitment to quality shine through in these DVDs, making them an invaluable resource for anyone preparing for the VDD-GNA, JGHV VJP, HZP and VGP Tests.

Additionally, these DVDs come with printable tips, offering you the convenience of having training and handling tips at your fingertips. You can access these tips through the provided links, giving you a well-rounded approach to your preparation.

Master the VDD-GNA, JGHV VJP, HZP, and VGP tests with our comprehensive video and DVD collection, and arm yourself with knowledge and tips from experienced trainers. With Dogs Unlimited LLC, you're not just preparing for a test; you're setting yourself up for success.

Printable Tips (click to open) -


Customer Reviews

Levi from Valparaiso, IN
Date Reviewed:
5 stars
I am a first time Drahthaar owner/ trainer and handler. I had zero help from my Breeder and minimal help from my chapter. I purchased these DVD’s and with the information provided I was able to train my Draht, on my own, well enough to pass the VJP

VDD-GNA, JGHV VJP, HZP and VGP Test Videos, DVDs Q&A

What tests are covered in the video and DVD collection?
VDD-GNA, JGHV VJP, HZP, and VGP tests are covered.
What dog breeds can benefit from these videos and DVDs?
Drahthaar, deutsch kurzhaar, deutsch-langhaar, small munsterlander, large munsterlander, and griffon can benefit from them.
Are these resources suitable for inexperienced handlers?
Yes, they are perfect for both novice and experienced handlers.
Will these videos help to improve my skills for JGV-USA tests?
Yes, they are great for JGV-USA and JGV-North America members.
What should I start with in the collection?
Start with the VDD-GNA JGHV VJP and HZP combination DVD.
What should I watch after completing the combination DVD?
Move on to the VDD-GNA JGHV VGP DVD for the next level of training.
Do the videos provide detailed instructions?
Yes, the instructions are detailed and easy to follow.
Who provides the training tips in these videos?
The tips come from experienced trainers who have helped numerous individuals pass the tests.
Can I use these resources to prepare for NADKA tests?
Yes, the videos and DVDs are also helpful for NADKA test preparation.
Do the videos cover the latest techniques and approaches?
Yes, these resources showcase the latest techniques and approaches to help you excel in the tests.

Item Specifications

FormatVideos, DVDs
BreedsDrahthaar, Deutsch Kurzhaar, VDD, Deutsch-Langhaar, Small Munsterlander, Large Munsterlander, Griffon
OrganizationsJGHV, JGV-USA, JGV-North America, DKGNA, CanadaDK, NADKA, CDKA

VDD-GNA, JGHV VJP, HZP, and VGP Test Videos and DVDs - Master the Techniques

Enhance your understanding of the VDD-GNA, JGHV VJP, HZP, and VGP tests with our comprehensive video and DVD collection, designed to provide you valuable insights and training tips. These instructional resources showcase methods and techniques from experienced trainers who have helped numerous individuals successfully complete the tests.

Get started by exploring the VDD-GNA JGHV VJP and HZP combination DVD, which serves as an ideal foundation for those preparing for their first tests. As you progress and gain skills, take advantage of the VDD-GNA JGHV VGP DVD to tackle the next level of your training.

Master the art of drahthaar, deutsch kurzhaar, deutsch-langhaar, small munsterlander, large munsterlander, and griffon training with these detailed videos and DVDs, perfect for both novice and experienced handlers. Get ready to excel in the JGHV VJP, HZP, and VGP tests with confidence!

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