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Original Adaptor for SportDog Brand receiver/transmitter for the following systems -

SD-800CAMOSD-1200 sold with double prong chargers
SD-2400 sold with double prong chargers

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SportDog, Accessory Adaptor 650-192-1 Q&A

What systems is this adaptor compatible with?
This adaptor is compatible with SD-400, SD-800, SD-1200, SD-3200 and other systems.
Can I use this adaptor for other brands?
It is specifically designed for SportDog Brand receiver and transmitter systems.
What type of chargers does this adaptor work with?
It works with double prong chargers.
Does it improve the power supply to my electronic collar?
Yes, it provides a reliable power supply for your electronic collar.
Is it easy to use for charging?
Yes, this adaptor ensures an easy and hassle-free charging process.
Can I use it to charge a hunting dog e collar?
Yes, it's ideal for hunting dog e collar chargers.
Is this adaptor an original SportDog product?
Yes, this is an original SportDog Accessory Adaptor.
Is the adaptor durable?
Yes, it is made with high-quality materials ensuring durability.
Will it work with the SD-400CAMO system?
Yes, it's compatible with the SD-400CAMO system.
Can I trust the consistency of this adaptor?
Yes, it maintains a consistent performance in keeping your collar charged.

Item Specifications

ProductAccessory Adaptor 650-192-1
Compatibility- SD-400
ApplicationHunting dog e-collar charger
Other Names- Sportdog accessory adaptor
Key Components- Sportdog brand receiver

SportDog Accessory Adaptor 650-192-1 | Original Receiver-Transmitter Adaptor

Upgrade your dog training experience with the SportDog Accessory Adaptor 650-192-1, designed for use with multiple SportDog Brand systems. Ensure quality and compatibility when charging your electronic dog collar and get the most out of your training sessions.

Keep your electronic dog collar powered up and ready for action with this original SportDog Adaptor. This versatile accessory is compatible with numerous SportDog systems such as SD-400, SD-800, SD-1200, and SD-3200. Optimize your hunting dog training and maintain top-notch performance.

Experience hassle-free charging with the SportDog Accessory Adaptor. Made specifically for SportDog Brand transmitters and receivers, this adaptor provides a reliable electronic collar power supply for uninterrupted training. Trust in your SportDog products for superior performance.

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